The 2nd Quarter Midterm Report is being
sent home today.
You will see your child's average of grades for the
first half of the 2nd Quarter. Mid-term Reports are filled out so
that you can see where your child is currently performing in each content area.
Included is the percentage and overall grade for each subject.
As you have seen on the graded work being sent home,
2nd quarter is a lot tougher than first quarter, and the grades may
reflect that. There are still about 4 weeks left of the quarter and time for
improvement in all areas with hard work and determination. We will have many
testing days in December, so the opportunity to improve grades will be limited.
There is no “Homeroom” grade and will not be this year.
Please continue to help your child with homework and
chat with him/her about school. Ask your child about his/her reading. Word
calling is not enough! Students must
understand what they are reading. Using reading strategies and talking about
the reading helps with comprehension. Remember to read at home together, and be
sure your child completes the weekly log, then returns it each Friday. The
At-Home Reading Logs ARE a weekly reading grade.
Keep practicing those math facts, too! Students who
are practicing are showing growth and improvement! They are proud of their hard
work and know it is paying off! Be sure subtraction, addition, and
multiplication facts are secure for your child. It’s time to begin practicing
division at home, as well.
Continue to check the yellow folder
each evening for homework. When homework is sent, please help your child
complete it. Homework is an opportunity for students to get extra practice on a
skill, and we want to be sure they are practicing correctly!
Let me know if you have any questions. Please sign
and return the Midterm Report by Monday.