Sunday, January 23, 2011

Time to get our routine back!

Wow! We have had a snow-filled January! Our routine is out-of-whack, but when we are at school, the kids are working hard to get that focus back!
We are continuing to focus on finding the Area and Perimeter of regular and irregular figures. This has been our main math focus on the few days we’ve been back. We will move into measuring in inches, feet and yards with rulers and telling time on an analog clock this week. We are writing to prompts and will begin a project for a writing grade on Monday.
Please continue to look at and help (when needed) with the nightly homework. Remember that homework will come home Monday-Thursday nights and the Homework Logs will always have the homework written down along with weekly reminders.
It is extra important that the kids are here every single day, unless they’re sick, because our daily learning is going to be in over-drive! We have missed a lot of learning with all these snow-days, so please be sure your child is here when school is in session.
Thanks for all you do!

Here's what we've been up to...