As the seasons change we are seeing
changes in our 4th graders! They are getting more comfortable with
their new teacher and the new demands of 4th grade. We are seeing
improvements in writing, math, and reading! They are becoming independent
thinkers with each passing day! I am proud of the growth each student is making
and can’t wait to see where this year takes us!
Thursday, October 6th, is
the Symphony field trip. We will eat lunch a little earlier on Thursday because
the buses will leave around 12:15. Only children who returned the permission
slip and the money will be attending. All other students will remain at
Lindbergh. J
I cannot express to you how important
it is for you to read WITH your child each evening. Students need to be held
accountable for reading the words correctly, re-reading when they make a
mistake, and discussing their reading. These are the only ways to improve
reading! Please listen to them read, help them correct mistakes and/or tell
them unknown words, and talk to them about the book. They love to share their
thinking! This will make signing the weekly reading log easy too, because you
know your child really read!
Included in the Friday folder is your
childs conference day and time. Teachers worked together to schedule
conferences that are close in time for those of you with more than 1 kiddo. I
tried to schedule everyone as closely to the time you signed up for as I could.
I look forward to seeing you in a couple weeks!
Thank you for all that you do!
Enjoy your weekend!
Important Dates to get on the Calendar!
Thursday, October 6:
Symphony field trip
Friday, October 14:
End of 1st quarter
Tuesday, October 18:
Parent teacher conferences 4:00-6:15
Thursday, October
20: Parent teacher conferences 4:00-6:15
Friday, October 21:
No school
Monday, October 24: Honor Roll Assembly