Friday, November 14, 2014

Help us win!

Beginning on Monday, November 17, Pershing will be collecting food for our local Inter-Serve.  If you would like to donate canned goods, boxed food, or any other dry food, we would love to take them off of your hands!  The class who collects the most items will win a pizza party!  Check our those pantries and see what you've got to donate!

BRRRRR!  Remember to send your child to school dressed for winter!  We will still have outside recess this winter and students must have a winter coat to enjoy it.  Also, I have outside bus duty on Wednesdays and bus riders wait outside for their bus while I am on duty.

Congratulations to Jaelen!  He was our Character Kid of the Month for October!  Jaelen does a great job of showing self-control!  Keep it up, Jaelen!

Here's what we've been up to...