Sunday, August 26, 2012

What a Week!

We have had a fantastic first full week of 4th grade! We spent our days getting to know each other by completing challenging group tasks, writing on each others backs, chatting about our summers and trying to stay cool! Reading Logs are in the Friday folders today along with some information explaining the process. Please be sure to read at least 90 minutes this week AT HOME. Remember that students may read alone, to a grown-up or sibling, or someone may read to them. Newspapers, magazines, books, recipes all count as reading! Just make sure your child writes the reading down on the log. The At-Home Reading Log needs to be returned next Friday (Aug. 31st) for a reading grade. Thank you so much for the opportunity to get to know and work with your child! I think we are going to have a fabulous year! The kids have gotten along very well this week and seem eager to learn! If there is anything I can do or questions you need answered, feel free to send a note with your child or call the school! Let’s have a great year together!

Here's what we've been up to...