We have spent a lot of time these last few weeks learning how to divide, how to process word problems, and reviewing the order of operations. On Thursday, we put all of our hard work together to solve a word problem efficiently and effectively. Students worked independently, then shared their own strategy with their team. Next, teams moved around to other groups to hear strategies from one group member who stayed back to share. After listening to all strategies from each group, teams got back together to discuss the best strategies they observed. Finally, teams decided on the most efficient way to solve the word problem. Teams then presented their solution to the class. Below are some pictures of the class working.
The students who stayed behind to share strategies did an amazing job of presenting the strategies of their team to each group. Team members who moved around the room did a fantastic job of listening and questioning each presenter. The class really worked for a deeper understanding of the best way to solve the problem. I am so proud of this process! Every student participated and gave the task their best effort!