Thursday, December 8, 2016

Tis The Season!

Thank you to our PTA for providing us with the Lindbergh Holiday Store!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Technology Tuesday!

Without any discussion, students chose an invention he/she believed to be the best of all time. They had to include one reason to support their choice. We shared our ideas, then used our post-it to guide our writing lesson. On Tuesday, we wrote 5 reasons that support our claim that the chosen invention is, in fact, the best invention of all time. We will also work on reasons that disprove our claim. Then we will form an opinion, and write a final paragraph justifying our claim.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Division Strategy

The strategy below is our "What I Know" strategy. Our goal is not only to get the correct answer, but to also do so efficiently. This strategy allows each student to use their own multiplication strengths to solve division problems in an efficient way.
 We can use what our brains know about multiplication to help us efficiently solve division problems. Check out how we each solved our own way, but all arrived at the same answer. Wow! These math brains are growing!

Book Report Leaders!

Look at all of the readers in our class! We are well on our way to beating the record of 35 book reports!

Here's what we've been up to...